Audiology services for all ages in the Salt Lake City area.

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We provide hearing and balance care to patients of all ages in the Greater Salt Lake City and Utah Basin area. Our team of audiologists work hard to offer superior services in a relaxed setting.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss affect millions of Americans each year. Causes by damage to the ear, these disorders can negatively impact your quality of life if left untreated. Fortunately, our experienced audiologists can help.

Brain Hearing

When most people think of hearing, they think of the ear. However, the ear is just one part of the process. The brain plays an important role and hearing aid technology is changing to focus on the brain rather than the ear.

Hearing Aids

About 90 percent of people with hearing loss can be helped by hearing aids. Today’s digital devices are smaller and more powerful than ever, and include many state-of-the-art features designed to improve comfort, convenience and clarity.

Balance Disorders

Feelings of unsteadiness are the leading health complaint in the United States, affecting an estimated nine million people annually. For those over the age of 70 dizziness is the top reason for a visit to the doctor’s office.
